Chinese Automated

Shipping Stories

Chinese Automated Shipping Stories: Conversations from Boat Operators Along the Yangtze is a non-linear automated video documentary installation that compiles stories, daily moments, and perspectives of barge boat operators along the Yangtze River in China within the backdrop of increasing automation in shipping industry sectors. 

The project presents a meditative  portrait on the implications of emerging automated navigation technologies on these operators, exploring what projected obsolescence may mean for their personal lives, the ancient trade networks, as well as the cultural landscapes and ancient waterways that surround navigate.

This installation is a non-didactic, poetic illustration of a core industry on the verge of a pivotal change. The automated, non-linear video installation framework incorporates Chinese poetry forms, like Lian Ju, and explores how this ancient format can serve automated, non-linear interactive narrative storytelling.


Chinese Automated Shipping Stories


Chinese Automated Shipping Stories